
Man sentenced for assault and terrorism offences

A man from Swansea has been sentenced for terrorism offences and an assault that was motivated by and demonstrating hostility towards the victim based on her transgender identity.

Alex Hutton pleaded guilty to the offences at was sentenced to five years and four months in prison at Winchester Crown Court on Thursday 19 September.

The 19-year-old had previously been convicted of offences under the Terrorism Act.

He was arrested in November last year after South Wales Police received a report from a member of the public stating they had viewed a video on Hutton’s Instagram in which he claims to have kicked an unidentified person in the head. The video also contained far right imagery.

Detective Chief Inspector Leanne Williams, head of investigations at Counter Terrorism Policing Wales, said: “We welcome the outcome of this case. Alex Hutton, motivated by hate, engaged in a horrendous and unprovoked attack on a defenceless young girl who was minding her own business one afternoon in a Swansea park in May 2023.

“There is no doubt that the attack will have lasting effects on this young person and I really hope today’s outcome provides her with some comfort.

“Furthermore, Hutton demonstrated a clear intention to spread his hatred across the internet encouraging acts of terrorism. Officers from Counter Terrorism Policing Wales uncovered his actions during a detailed investigation, which then led us to the assault that took place earlier in the year.

“I hope he now uses the time in custody to reflect on his actions, with a view to leading a far more productive life upon his eventual release.”

Bethan David, head of Counter Terrorism Division at the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “Alex Hutton is not simply a fantasist that held extreme views, he is a dangerous young man.

“His unprovoked attack was driven by hate and he poses a substantial risk to other groups and society as a whole.

“He celebrated terrorist acts of white supremacy and encouraged his friends and associates on various social media and messaging platforms to join him in his extreme and disturbing views.

“The CPS will always prosecute those who encourage acts of terrorism and hate to protect the public.”

Chief Inspector Lindsey Sweeney from South Wales Police said: “We are delighted with the outcome of this investigation, a case which involved a senseless, violent Hate Crime. We want to reassure the community that this behaviour will never be tolerated in our area, and the perpetrators will be swiftly identified, arrested and duly sent to prison.

“Here in Swansea, we have a great multicultural city which has been demonstrated by a series of fantastic events involving the whole community in recent weeks and months. At South Wales Police, we work every day to ensure that the city is a safe and welcoming place for people of all backgrounds.”

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